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music is my boyfriend

There is one relationship in my life that is always there for me no matter what. I have tried to end this relationship on numerous occasions but it just never seems to leave. It’s glutton for rejections apparently. (hmm not sure if that sentence even make sense…)

Last year, my music was SO neglected. Something new and shiny came into my life.

my camera.

It’s been one year since I first purchased my camera. Happy birthday to it! But back to my origin of this post. An actual boyfriend came in last year and took what even little focus I had on music and sucked it right out of me! Lesson learned… This year, my goal is to work on that relationship. Wish me luck! I’m a need it!

Maybe one day between working as a bookkeeper, piano teacher, piano student pursing a teaching degree, photo taker (I dislike the word photographer, eck!) reality tv junkie, blog addict and sleeping lover I’ll find a strapping young man to pay all my bills and solve all of life’s problems.

Luckily Arianne has found herself one of those!

And we got together to eat cake to celebrate that fact! 

We even played my favorite game.

You know the one riiiight?
and we ROCKED it! or shall I say Alex rocked it!
 my favorite!
Paige (Alex and Arianne’s sister) took those last pics and I was SO impressed afterwards when I looked at them. Normally when i give other people my camera I get horribly out of focused pictures that really just go straight to my trash can. So thanks Paige!! 
Now since Arianne gets married TOMORROW! Ha I figured I need to get these up tonight!
Can I just say how awesome my week was? Can’t figure out which was favorite part.
-being sick all week
-finding out I have to pay $600 outta my pocket for my car repairs from the accident where the stupid 16 yr old who ran a red light and hit my car. yeahhh figure that one out!
-finding a dent in my car door 2 days later from a hit and run idiot who backed up into my car. 
-almost loosing it on 4 of my piano students and it’s only week two of lessons!!
-my 6 yr old lil red head piano student who ran and hugged me when she saw me for the first time
-eating crepes, twice
-the amazing note from an amazing friend reminding me of my luckiness for such great friends
-the new shirt I found on sale at the mall
All I can say is YAY for FRIDAY!
  • AKutarna - hahaha you crack me up =gleeah. you are the best. thanks for posting the best picture of my life for the world to see haha. its a gooder. well love you and lets play.ReplyCancel

  • Katelyn - Sorry you’ve been sick all week! I’m just getting over a cold and it drove me nuts. But you have a super crazy schedule so I hope you are better. Glad to hear about your lil piano student giving you a hug. I hope it made all that teaching worth it. Love you!ReplyCancel

  • AKutarna - p.s. thanks for editing out my leg hairs. you’re the bestReplyCancel


    You should have taken a picture with your “Music is my boyfriend” shirt and added it to this post. I’m not gonna lie I am a little disappointed its not here! Just kidding!

    I’m sorry your stressed and sick and busy. Whenever you need a relaxing night come on over!! I still need to come visit you!!ReplyCancel

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