Leah Lorna Lifestyle Photography » blog


Don’t stop belieeeevin! Ha couldn’t help myself. But, also so true.
There’s a depression that can come from owning an digital SLR camera after purchase I feel. The depression from this thing that you own that you know can do amazing things but you have no idea how to use it.

I remember wishing I’d be watching tv and an infommercial saying this would come on,
                 “Do you suffer from owning a digital SLR camera and just don’t know how to use it? Do you get frustrated with taking pictures and they don’t turn out the way you want them too? They just don’t look like the professionals on the blogs you look at. Well have no fear. The answer is near!” Then I would be given the go to book that would explain everything I ever needed to know.
But then I realized I have PVR and don’t watch commercials and no such book exsisted.
So while I was on my photography journey, friends were kind enough to have me take pictures for them. OH, and something to learn about me? I hate saying no to things. {Unless it’s my mom asking me for help with anything, ha then I seem to have “no” problems. hee hee Let’s just say I’m a work in progress.} So I did it, but deep down I didn’t want to, ONLY because I knew I wasn’t gonna take good pictures. These pics were taken about 3 weeks after buying my camera.
my attempt of an edit
Eck! Isn’t it just gross to look at? Not Ashley and Wendell and cute little Wyatt of course but what I did to their faces and to the trees? Whyyyy?So I surely didn’t want them to pay me! Again, no desire to go into business, but I loved helping (or at least I thought I was helping) and hanging out with my friends! They even said they liked them. Ha I still don’t know if they were just being nice or not. I’m gonna go with being nice. 
And to think the photo could of looked like this. If only I knew…..I was learning though and I sucked! I almost hated taking pictures cuz they looked so bad but I knew it was the only thing I could do to get better. I can tell you everything NOT to do cuz I learned everything the hard way. I didn’t have the ability to take a course at a school or anything cuz I worked late most nights. But I paid for an online course that taught me so so so much! I also paid goooood money to do a one day workshop with Angie Monson of Simplicity Photography. And I “self taught” myself anything I could. 
I remember so clearly looking at my camera the night I bought it and being in awe of all it’s buttons and menus. There was SO SO SOOOO much to learn and I was clueless to this fact. I was shocked! Seriously, dumb founded. I had NO CLUE there was so much that goes into taking a good photo. And then there was the unknown land of photoshop! I immediately started reading everything and anything I could get my hands on too learn how to take pictures. I combed through my manual over and over just to learn how to use my camera. {I believe those things are two completely different things. You can’t just learn how to use your camera. You need to learn how to take pictures before.} I read pioneer womans posts on the exposure triangle, bought 3 Byron Peterson books and searched for everywhere and anywhere online that gave photoshop tutorials. I was lucky enough to also have a sister who was kind enough to show me things like masks and other photoshop tricks that she had spent time learning herself. No one showed her! Ha she reminded me how lucky I was too :o) Each shoot I did I got a bit better each time. It’s practice that eventually makes everything better! 

1st attempt

now aways edit

 Now, anywhere I see where the pictures are cute I comment on them. I have just  a little bit of understanding of the hard work that took to getting them. Whether it be a credited education or a journey of workshops and courses and reading that got them there. Either way, it’s tough work and not at all easy. They might not know me but I would LOVE for a random to comment on my pics. It’s super easy to just be to cool for school and just not tell the person, “Good work! Cute pics!” You wouldn’t believe how far those four words can go. I challenge you to leave a comment on someones blog who you “secretly” follow. Comments are like chocolate is to me. THE BEST THING EVERRRR!  I have the opinion if you think it, then COMMENT! Unless it’s mean and in that case, go ahead and keep it to yourself :o)
  • Katelyn - Good work! Cute pics! 🙂 So true about random comments being the best. I used to be so good at leaving nice comments for people and then I started to think I was in too big of a rush. But really it only takes a minute to make someone’s day. Good reminder.
    I forgot to talk to you about our next photoshoot so next time we talk don’t let me forget.ReplyCancel

  • Ashley - I promise..at the time… I thought these were awesome! And really a lot of them aren’t as bad as you think! I can definitely see a difference in your work which doesn’t make them bad it just makes newer ones better. Am I just digging myself a hole? lolReplyCancel

  • The Harkers - Okay, so occasionally I may or may not blog stalk you. This is Kate (Allred). I love your pictures. I love the pic of Kenzie and her black horse. Maybe I just love her black horse. And her hair in her wedding shoots, wish I would have done mine like that.


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